What's wrong with the noise of hearing aids?

What's wrong with the noise of hearing aids?

2023-03-17 17:42:08

When there is "noise" in our hearing aids, we should first judge whether the sound is the ambient sound or the noise generated by the hearing aids.



Then we can check whether the "noise" still exists in the soundproof room or in a quiet environment. If the "noise" disappears, the "noise" heard by the wearer is actually the sound of the environment. Because some wearers have become accustomed to the previous "quiet life", suddenly hearing so many voices will be mistaken for noise.



If this ambient sound has a great impact on your communication with others, you can turn it down with the help of the audiologist until the wearer gradually adapts.


If it is not the ambient sound but the noise generated by the hearing aid operation, then we need to first judge whether the power of the hearing aid is suitable for our hearing situation. If the power is too large, the background noise of the hearing aid operation will be heard by the wearer, so we need to choose the appropriate power of the hearing aid. The higher the power is, the better.



If both of the above conditions have been eliminated, it is possible that the internal parts of the hearing aid have failed. At this time, it needs to be repaired.


So, normally speaking, our hearing aids can't hear "noise", so we can wear them with confidence.

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